To make these, start by washing the pod and then cut the tips of each end. Toss in olive oil. In either in a grill basket or on a piece of foil, place on a hot grill. Grill for about 5 to 7 minutes or until slightly charred and tender.
Toss with a little sea salt and serve immediately with a dipping sauce.
Sriracha mayo is easy to make. Just combine store bought mayo with one or two tablespoons of Sriracha. Make it as spicy as you like.

Doesn't that sound AND LOOK amazing? I may have to try and grill these one day!
But I digress. I just got done with my "rest" day which for me is some quick cardio on the treadmill while the hubs was doing P90x3 on the TV. Have you seen his transformation? Crazy what he's done in only 60 days.
Kind of motivated me to start moving. I had started eating healthy, drinking Shakeology, every morning (which helped me to initially lose some weight just by replacing my breakfast with it every day!) and decided to try out Les Mills Combat WHICH. I. LOVE. I get bored with working out easy which is why I have never really stuck with anything. Initially in 1999 I lost a bunch of weight doing tae-bo - loved the whole kickboxing aspect of it. It really worked for me and my body type. So after Steve became a Beachbody coach I was looking at the products and decided to try out Les Mills. I'm a week in and I LOVE IT. Even after long days I get motivated by the coaches and by the music and the fact that I feel like a Mortal Combat warrior.
Yes, I just spent 15 minutes doing this.

Annyway, I'll be raiding my parents photo bin tomorrow so I can start to craft my story of going from a cute 3 year old to a chubbo young girl to struggling with my weight in high school, finally getting it together while in college only to go through a bad breakup and gain it all back and then I've been yo-yo-ing ever since. (PLUS, I had a baby in 2009 and gained a bunch of weight prior and had trouble losing it after and then I had back surgery last September 2013.)
I feel like I'm finally in a good enough place to talk about it without having to then shell out a $35 co-pay at my therapists's office anymore. My love hate relationship with food I THINK and I HOPE is finally under control.
I'll start diving in tomorrow and hoping that others can relate and be inspired with my story. Not many people know what I've gone through in my life. Thank god I'm still alive and here to talk about it today... I just hope that I can inspire others to find the peace within themselves to finally hold themselves accountable for their choices in life, to make good ones now in the present and even better ones in the future!
Oh oh oh, before I forget. I'd love for you to signup and be on my team! It's free and I'll be sending out healthy recipes, motivational emails, workouts you can do, etc. Would love for you to sign up! Join now - it's fast and easy! Let's do this together!
PPS: Weigh in tomorrow. Eek.

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