Thursday, March 19, 2015

Leave me the hell alone...

That's me lately in a nutshell. I just want to be left alone. Wherever I am. I don't know if it's the weather since seasonal changes seems to affect my mood moreso than anything else but damn, I am irritable lately. I should be happy, I just lost 5.5 lbs in 3 days got back on the healthy eating track, worked out two days in a row (including today) so that leaves me with one question....where the hell are those endorphins?

But no...not me. I am not happy. In fact, after sitting down from my workout I am miserable. Writing this blog is annoying me. I intended to talk about my fitness goals and where I go from here...I guess I should get right to it, otherwise I'll be posting stuff like this:

Speaking of which, I NEED this shirt.

So fitness goals. I am going to amp up the cardio and hope to burn some fat. I'll keep doing Les Mills Combat which I love. Luckily, there are three versions I can rotate through. A 30 min for when I'm pressed for time, a 45 min one when I have a bit more time and a 60 min one when I'm feeling energetic and ambitions - I'll probably save those for the weekend. Thinking of doing 60 minutes after working all day and not starting until at least 8pm doesn't sound too appealing to me. And, forget working out in the morning. I have never been and will never be a morning person. Kudos to those who get up at 4:00am to get their workout in. For one thing, I'm a complete weirdo in that I would never be able to get up and just workout. I need coffee. I need a shower. Yes, a shower before I work out which then means I would have to shower again just 30 minutes later. Defeats the purpose I know but what can I say.

True story. There's a handful of people who know this. I have weird eating habits, I do weird things. Sue me. I'm me. Love me or leave me...the hell alone.

And we've come full circle to the title of this blog post.

Not much more to say really. I'm going to try to set up a meal plan for myself to follow. As much as I hated the 3 day refresh foods because I was so freakin hungry, I realize that having a plan really helped me keep on track. There was no, oh hey let me go buy a bag of trail mix and eat out the chocolate covered soy nuts. Or let me go to Boscov's and get some Chocolate Bridge Mix. My weakness lately. Bridge Mix. Who knew? Wanna know something else weird I do? I don't eat the nuts or raisins in the bridge mix (except for the chocolate covered almonds.) What do I do? I suck off the chocolate and put the nut in a bag. Steve can attest to this disgustingness. I do it with all chocolate really. Peanut butter cups? Eat around the peanut butter, throw away said peanut butter.

See. A little insight into my bizarro existence. But, mmm now I want bridge mix.
Luckily all I have to make here is a little sugar free pop and some PB2.

And with that, I'm going to do just that.


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