Well, it's Day One and I've gotten up, weighed myself and took some measurements...
WEIGHT: 161.6
WAIST: 30.5
HIPS: 40
Hoping I took the thigh/arm measurements right but I know where I took them so in 30 days I'll revisit that area.
Now that you know my numbers, let me tell you a little bit about me. I'm Courtney Love, 36 from NJ. I have an almost 4 year old son Parker who is the love of my life. I've been married to Steve Love for almost 6 years. More about his crazy transformation in a minute! I'm obsessed with animals, wine, live music, sarcasm, and trail mix with chocolate (of course, I only eat the chocolate out of it.)
I've recently went vegetarian but decided after reading a lot of information, it's better to go Paleo with farm-raised, grass fed chicken who are treated humanely and not stuck in a cage with hundreds of other chickens :( (no red meat or pork for me!)
I'm obsessed with Will & Grace, Shark Tank, Undercover Boss and ANY reality show on TV. Recently I've gotten into Little Women LA. It's awesome, watch it. Trust me. I'm also a marketer at heart. My mind's always going all the time and I'm constantly thinking of new ideas for work, for new businesses, for new products. Ever since I was little I was creating new products and businesses...hello, Kids News newspaper in 2nd grade in which I actually sold ads into it and my rock tumbling business where I made a killing on homemade jewelry. I'm always looking to increase my knowledge on anything as I know it'll pay off in spades when I make it on Jeopardy. I received my Masters last year and contemplating a PhD much to our bank account's dismay. But I have this insatiable thirst for knowledge and think that it's best to absorb as much as you possibly can. You never know when you'll need to know it. And you only live one life after all!
What else do you want to know? I'm pretty much an open book as you'll see in the days to come. I'm actually pretty quiet too, hate public speaking and talking in front of others (my face gets beet red) and have always considered writing to be cathartic when I was little. Unfortunately due to my ADD and lack of patience with actually sitting down and writing something out I stopped for awhile. If you've seen my handwriting, you'll see what I mean. I'm hoping this blog will get me back on the writing track!
OK so now it's time for the big reveal eh? Not so easy from someone who doesn't like taking pictures unless they are selfies and I have control over the angle and the filter.
First, let me show you were my inspiration came from. Here's Steve 2 months in from P90x and clean eating. He's inspiring others and well, quite frankly, I don't want to be the larger of the couple. Let's reserve that for the men shall we?
So yeah, look at that. Crazy right? IF you're interested in how he did it, he used Beachbody's P903X and Shakeology. Pretty nuts. I highly recommend Shakeology as I just started drinking it like a month ago and I can't imagine my morning without it. The amount of nutrients in it gives me crazy energy, I don't have to spend extra money on vitamins and supplements and it's delicious with 8oz of almond milk!
Interested in what it can do for you? Check it out!
If you're interested in trying it out, I highly recommend it! Message me for more information or if you're interested in trying a sample first!!
Anyway, so now that I've procrastinated a little bit.. So basically the first pic is me not very happy about taking these pics at all - but if they look anything like Steve's do after 30 days, sure, let's just go ahead and post em now!
Getting ready to kill Les Mills Combat tonight, god willing my back holds out on me!