Monday, June 30, 2014

I'm down 3.4 lbs!!!

Hi everyone!

So good news to report. On Saturday I weighed myself and I was down 3.4 lbs! Woohoo!

I worked hard for those 3.4 lbs! Granted my diet was pretty decent too, at least 90% clean so I'm pretty happy with myself with that too. While my son was eating self-serve fro-yo (my weakness) I didn't flinch. I might have cried a little internally but I know when I hit my goal I'll allow myself to have treats. You only get one life after all and I'm not going to deprive myself from things I enjoy. What fun is that? I do, however, enjoy seeing that scale going down and excited to continue my journey to inspire others to get healthy and fit. Hoping for another big week today! Rocked out 3 days in a row with Les Mills Combat. I cannot say enough good things about this. If you want to feel like a warrior and kick your way to a new body to club music, you have GOT to try this. You can actually get it very reasonably on the Beachbody site - click on one of my banner ads and get some more info. You will NOT be disappointed!

Anyway, it's 11pm on a Monday and I'm beat from a very crazy day at work today so I'm making this very brief. I will for sure post longer tomorrow!

Keep pushing on... I'm thinking of starting a challenge group for fitness and weight loss to start mid-July. Let me know if you're interested. Looking for 5-10 women to rock it out with me. Let's do it together!


Friday, June 27, 2014

"Do you eat sugar snap peas whole?

Just googled that. I have a nice fresh bag of sugar snap peas but I couldn't remember for the life of me if I needed to de-pod them or not. Then I found this gem of a recipe thanks to "The Arugula Files."

To make these, start by washing the pod and then cut the tips of each end. Toss in olive oil. In either in a grill basket or on a piece of foil, place on a hot grill. Grill for about 5 to 7 minutes or until slightly charred and tender.

Toss with a little sea salt and serve immediately with a dipping sauce.

Sriracha mayo is easy to make. Just combine store bought mayo with one or two tablespoons of Sriracha. Make it as spicy as you like.

Doesn't that sound AND LOOK amazing? I may have to try and grill these one day!

But I digress. I just got done with my "rest" day which for me is some quick cardio on the treadmill while the hubs was doing P90x3 on the TV. Have you seen his transformation? Crazy what he's done in only 60 days.

Kind of motivated me to start moving. I had started eating healthy, drinking Shakeology, every morning (which helped me to initially lose some weight just by replacing my breakfast with it every day!) and decided to try out Les Mills Combat WHICH. I. LOVE. I get bored with working out easy which is why I have never really stuck with anything. Initially in 1999 I lost a bunch of weight doing tae-bo - loved the whole kickboxing aspect of it. It really worked for me and my body type. So after Steve became a Beachbody coach I was looking at the products and decided to try out Les Mills. I'm a week in and I LOVE IT. Even after long days I get motivated by the coaches and by the music and the fact that I feel like a Mortal Combat warrior.
Yes, I just spent 15 minutes doing this.

Annyway, I'll be raiding my parents photo bin tomorrow so I can start to craft my story of going from a cute 3 year old to a chubbo young girl to struggling with my weight in high school, finally getting it together while in college only to go through a bad breakup and gain it all back and then I've been yo-yo-ing ever since. (PLUS, I had a baby in 2009 and gained a bunch of weight prior and had trouble losing it after and then I had back surgery last September 2013.)

I feel like I'm finally in a good enough place to talk about it without having to then shell out a $35 co-pay at my therapists's office anymore. My love hate relationship with food I THINK and I HOPE is finally under control.

I'll start diving in tomorrow and hoping that others can relate and be inspired with my story. Not many people know what I've gone through in my life. Thank god I'm still alive and here to talk about it today... I just hope that I can inspire others to find the peace within themselves to finally hold themselves accountable for their choices in life, to make good ones now in the present and even better ones in the future!


Oh oh oh, before I forget. I'd love for you to signup and be on my team! It's free and I'll be sending out healthy recipes, motivational emails, workouts you can do, etc. Would love for you to sign up! Join now - it's fast and easy! Let's do this together!

PPS: Weigh in tomorrow. Eek.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My "Rest" Day!

Evening everyone!

Well, today was supposed to be my "rest" day according to my workout calendar for Les Mills Combat. I almost felt guilty resting so instead I decided to hop on my treadmill for 20 minutes. Gotta keep on moving. No rest days for me, I'll always try to stay active and get some type of cardio in on rest days since I sit at a desk all day and am pretty sedentary.

Diet going really well. Resisted the urge to buy dark chocolate covered nuts yesterday and opted for veggie chips. Today I took my son for fro-yo (my weakness with carob chips and chocolate sprinkles) and watched his little face enjoy it.

I hear 80% is diet so as long as I stay on this path, I'm progressing toward my fitness (and other) goals.

Tomorrow for throwback Thursday, I'll be sure to post some of my photos during my awkward stage...which really took place from about 6-20. :)

Off to bed I go, on the grind again tomorrow. Tomorrow is Plyo - doesn't sound good from what I remember from P90X!


Monday, June 23, 2014

Day Three - Les Mills Combat COMPLETE!

Hi everyone!

Just got done rocking a 45 minute combat workout! This, after a LONNNNG day. Drove out to Lancaster to meet up with the parents, walked a lot, Parker swam in the pool, went on a buggy ride, then drove home. Completely exhausted and sunburned I contemplated throwing in the towel today and doing it tomorrow (my 1 of 2 rest days!) but I sucked it up and rocked it. That music is a godsend. Not to mention, Rach is totally motivational. I want to be her. Ok, that sounds creepy. I want to look like her. She's awesome. Keeps me motivated. Her and that modification girl that I sometimes need to follow when the jump kick is out of my spinal comfort zone.

Anyway it's 10:30 now and I'm beat. Need to get a few things done for work (the joy of taking a day off, trying to play catch up) and then pass out. Tomorrow should be a rest day per the calendar but that just feels wrong. So I'll probably hop on the treadmill for a 30 minute walk/run then do a little bit of weights.

Ohhh, we just got awesome news on the Beachbody team that Shakeology has been clinically verified to help people lose weight! Check out this video, it's awesome. This is the one thing that got me involved with this amazing company. The fact that this one shake starts my whole day off right and gets me the nutrition I need when I don't have time to get it from other meals. It's a busy mom's dream!! Check it out!


If you're interested in trying it, send me an email: or find me on Facebook - would love for you to follow my page there too :) I'll send you a free sample if you sign up with me as my coach and hey, if you even place an order I'll send you a FREE shaker :)

Leaving you with this for the night. Be Happy. Be Bright. Be You.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

I'm not a morning person.

Never have been, never will be. It's 10am and while my child and husband have been up since 6:45 and probably 5:45 respectively, I just rolled out of bed. Whoops.

That's why I'll never workout in the morning, I know it won't happen. Over the years I've tried to force myself to get up, unshowered (yuck) and try to bang out a workout. Again, that will NEVER happen. There's something about waking up after a long sleep with my hair all disheveled and feeling dirty and no coffee. No thanks. Give me 7pm any day and I'll rock it out.

I'm sore. Like really sore. I woke up and was scared to get up for fear last night's workout killed my back. Perhaps that's the reason why I stayed in bed so late. (shhh.) But besides being sore, no signs of back pain (knocks on imaginary wood.)

Tonight is a 45 minute one so that will be a bit challenging for me today but we'll get it done! Interested in seeing what type of music they included on this one!

Looks like a beautiful day out there, hope you all will enjoy your Sunday Funday! :) What's everyone up to today?

Ohh, took my body fat today with our special body fat machine... 25.9% and BMI 24.4. I just looked it up and I'm between good and fair "for my age." For my age? No thanks, let's get that body fat under 20% please.

The good news is, I can only go down from there right???

Have a wonderful day!! Make it count!


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Holy Les Mills Combat!

We'll that was intense. And awesome. And man, I love kick boxing! What an amazing workout! Channels my inner rage. Ha. 

Although I jabbed myself in the face about three times (I'm learning) Hey, she said keep my other fist close. For some reason my other fist decided to move when it shouldn't. 

And hey, why not a little Fall Out Boy for some combos haha. The electronic music was pretty sweet. 

Hope my back holds out for this though, the only thing that's scaring me. For those that don't know, last July I herniated my disc so bad that it sat on a nerve and I wasn't able to walk for almost three months until I finally had surgery. Then I walked right out of there pain free. Until I reherniated it 4 months later. It was a trying time in my life last year and another story for another post. 

Blessed to be walking now and able to do this, just can't push my limits. 

Off to find a healthy snack! Hope you got your healthy eating in for the day and an awesome workout!


I just posted this on Twitter & Facebook...might as well share it here too!

So I've already been preaching Shakeology in my other posts. And the hubs has used it to get to where he is now.

If you're interested in trying it but don't want to make a committment without trying it, simply sign up for an account with ‪Beachbody‬ (It's FREE) or change your coach over to me and get a free sample! Purchase a month's supply and I'll throw in a shaker for you!

Just had a great meal of a veggie burger on cinnamon raisin gluten free toast (weird combo I know) with avocado and salsa and a side of asparagus. What did you eat today? Need more veggies in your diet?

Not convinced? Check it out here!

Follow the hub's journey too!
It's pretty insane!

Day One!!!

Well, it's Day One and I've gotten up, weighed myself and took some measurements...

WEIGHT: 161.6
WAIST: 30.5
HIPS: 40

Hoping I took the thigh/arm measurements right but I know where I took them so in 30 days I'll revisit that area.

Now that you know my numbers, let me tell you a little bit about me. I'm Courtney Love, 36 from NJ. I have an almost 4 year old son Parker who is the love of my life. I've been married to Steve Love for almost 6 years. More about his crazy transformation in a minute! I'm obsessed with animals, wine, live music, sarcasm, and trail mix with chocolate (of course, I only eat the chocolate out of it.)
I've recently went vegetarian but decided after reading a lot of information, it's better to go Paleo with farm-raised, grass fed chicken who are treated humanely and not stuck in a cage with hundreds of other chickens :( (no red meat or pork for me!)

I'm obsessed with Will & Grace, Shark Tank, Undercover Boss and ANY reality show on TV. Recently I've gotten into Little Women LA. It's awesome, watch it. Trust me. I'm also a marketer at heart. My mind's always going all the time and I'm constantly thinking of new ideas for work, for new businesses, for new products. Ever since I was little I was creating new products and businesses...hello, Kids News newspaper in 2nd grade in which I actually sold ads into it and my rock tumbling business where I made a killing on homemade jewelry. I'm always looking to increase my knowledge on anything as I know it'll pay off in spades when I make it on Jeopardy. I received my Masters last year and contemplating a PhD much to our bank account's dismay. But I have this insatiable thirst for knowledge and think that it's best to absorb as much as you possibly can. You never know when you'll need to know it. And you only live one life after all!

What else do you want to know? I'm pretty much an open book as you'll see in the days to come. I'm actually pretty quiet too, hate public speaking and talking in front of others (my face gets beet red) and have always considered writing to be cathartic when I was little. Unfortunately due to my ADD and lack of patience with actually sitting down and writing something out I stopped for awhile. If you've seen my handwriting, you'll see what I mean. I'm hoping this blog will get me back on the writing track!

OK so now it's time for the big reveal eh? Not so easy from someone who doesn't like taking pictures unless they are selfies and I have control over the angle and the filter.
First, let me show you were my inspiration came from. Here's Steve 2 months in from P90x and clean eating. He's inspiring others and well, quite frankly, I don't want to be the larger of the couple. Let's reserve that for the men shall we?

So yeah, look at that. Crazy right? IF you're interested in how he did it, he used Beachbody's P903X and Shakeology. Pretty nuts. I highly recommend Shakeology as I just started drinking it like a month ago and I can't imagine my morning without it. The amount of nutrients in it gives me crazy energy, I don't have to spend extra money on vitamins and supplements and it's delicious with 8oz of almond milk!

Interested in what it can do for you? Check it out!
If you're interested in trying it out, I highly recommend it! Message me for more information or if you're interested in trying a sample first!!

Anyway, so now that I've procrastinated a little bit.. So basically the first pic is me not very happy about taking these pics at all - but if they look anything like Steve's do after 30 days, sure, let's just go ahead and post em now!

Getting ready to kill Les Mills Combat tonight, god willing my back holds out on me!


Friday, June 20, 2014

Here we go! Join me on my journey of self-discovery...(and the dream I dare to pursue)

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go." Dr. Seuss

I start with this quote because I know it'll kick off what's about to be one of the hardest journeys of my life. For 36 years I've struggled with who I was as a person, with my weight, gave up a lot of dreams, made a lot of mistakes, have a lot of regret, went through years of therapy, drank to get the picture. I've been through a lot - more than someone my age should have gone through but we all have our stories, we all have a past. It's time to move forward, use the past to propel you into the future and start making the most of this thing called life.

"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of." Jim Rohn

I am stopping there for now...we'll get to it all. That I promise. And I hope that by me sharing my stories (and there are plenty,) you'll find someone to relate to and someone to (hopefully) look up to as I take my life back...and by that I mean becoming happy with who I am inside, discovering my authentic self and by doing that revealing who I am truly meant to be on the outside.

I hope you'll join me for this journey - let's tackle our inner demons and our fitness goals together! Each day I'll post my progress, share my past and inspire and motivate me - AND YOU - to live your life to the fullest.

Let's live our lives with the passion we're meant to. Tomorrow I'll post my pic, a little intro to who I am and my measurements along with a before pic (yes, I'm actually doing this.) The first step is facing who you are NOW and loving who you are NOW before you can move forward.
